Sunday, September 5, 2010


Almost every time I sit down to formulate words to best describe what I want to share with all of you it's a struggle. I want so much to be able to articulate every moment so you can feel it as if you were there. I apologize. I don't always do literal justice to the many beautiful moments with Miah Jane and I can tell you right now I'm not going to do justice to this one.......thank God for cameras!!

This is the short story of Ray.
First of all turtles have always been my favorite animal. They signify longevity, protection, and strength. My love began for them long ago when my Dad used to take my brother and I for walks in Eggers Woods (southeast Chicago). It was our escape to nature in our windy city. It really was the first exposure I can remember to a part of this earth I would always need and my first real live experiences with turtles. Thanks Dad!!
Jeremiah bought me two red earred sliders for our first Valentine's Day. Peeka and Boo. Peeka I still have in a pond that Jeremiah built for them with a fountain. That's the white wood box MJ tries to climb into on our back porch that is often seen in pictures. When I lost Jeremiah I began to lose my faith in the protection I thought turtles would bring me. Someone or something doesn't want me to lose my faith......
Friday, after a long day at the office I picked up MJ from Gma's. Down the driveway and out the gate, down their asphalt road to home sweet, end of the week, home. As I slowly drove down my parent's street in Golden Gate Estates, I saw something in the road low to the ground and moving awfully slow. I thought the worst at first and was saying to myself, "please don't be a hit dog, please don't be a hit dog". As we got closer, um yeah it was not a dog. IT WAS A FREAKING GINORMOUS TURTLE!! I somehow got my wits about me, grabbed my camera phone and snapped a shot of it out my car window.

I got out of the car to check him out and he came right up to me! No fear. Peered up at me like "what's up mama". I immediately called my Dad. He came flying down the street in his truck and could not believe his eyes just like me. We loaded him up and took him back to the house. What we're going to do from here we don't know yet, but I can tell you MJ is in love. You'll see for yourself........I'm still in such shock and awe of this I don't know what else to think or say. So I'll shut up now.

This is Ray.







Later Dudes!!

(Don't worry someone is always close by incase Ray gets testy, but I'm telling you he's unbelievably cool, calm, and just freaking awesome.)


  1. OMG that is awesome!!! I wonder if it was someone's pet that got loose? Janine

  2. Jo that gave me chills reading!! I've never seen a turtle like that just randomly in the wild here! It's a sign of some sorts. Keep your faith. I love you!!!

  3. LOVE this post! MJ looks so happy with her new friend. Maybe you should bring him home and put a bow on him for her bday? hehe


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