Monday, January 24, 2011

Overdue randomness....

Well we've started 2011 with no rhyme or reason.....and that's the way uh huh uh huh we like it uh huh uh huh.  Nothing planned too far ahead, no daunting to do lists, and most importantly no resolutions.  I can't change the one thing I wish I could resolve.  AND I've accepted that.  I have become content as this new year settles in.   Time does what it does doesn't stop.  Nor does life.  Miah Jane proves that to me everyday.  So with that I'll stop rambling and give you some random pictures of my growing girl.........

She rocks a pony tail now.....

Notice she's also rocking a little Buddha!

She has developed some weird obsession for dog leashes.......if she sees one anywhere be it next door at my sister's place or at my mom and dad's she HAS to have it.  This particular night below I had to wait until she fell asleep to rip them out of her grip. 

Such a weirdo.....anyway moving on......

She's still crazy for slides......anywhere we go if there happens to be one it's an absolute must to slide down it 42 times.  If I'm lucky.

Aaaand she's still working on her childhood memories with her buddies Devin and Lexi Schaps......

Keep on rocking in the free world!!

Oh and she still loooooves Mickey Mouse!  She doing the Hot Dog dance while watching Mickey Mouse Club........Hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog!! (sorry about the video quality I took this with my phone)

There's quite a bit more where all that randomness came from.....visits from far away friends, visits to far away family, and some fun with a VW bus.  I hope to gather and post soon!


  1. I know you hate when I say things like this, but I'm so proud of you and so lucky to have you as my sister:)

  2. Great randomness! Love the buddha belly...she was really rockin' it! :) Her pony tail is the cutest thing ever...well, she's pretty darn cute herself. xo

  3. Love you JoannA and MJ xoxo, that is the coolest car I ever saw btw!


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